Intervention 1 – In-Work Skills Plan (IWSP).
Working together with an assigned Employee Mentor who has specialist knowledge and experience of the relevant sector, participants will create a robust ‘In-Work Skills Plan’ (IWSP). The IWSP is an in-depth training and work-skills assessment that maps the participant’s job description, role specification and job tasks against their skills, experience and knowledge base.
Intervention 2 – Employer Activities (Work Based Competence).
Real-world work tasks provided by participating employers are presented to participants who are then supported to consider the most appropriate options to resolve the tasks. Tasks are designed to develop essential work skills i.e. using initiative, assertiveness, problem solving, interpersonal skills, communication skills etc with support from Employee Mentors.
Intervention 3 – Functional Skills.
Pearson Edexcel Entry Level 1 through to Level 2 Functional skills units in English and Maths will equip participants with practical skills required in the workplace and in everyday life. The project will raise their basic skills level, which will provide the foundation for sustainable employment.
Intervention 4 – Sector Specific Training (Level 2 and 3).
Training given within the industry sector for peoples with disadvantages. The portfolio of units being offered at Level 2 and Level 3 include:
Project will provide training upto Level 3 for disadvantaged employees working within the retail sector, health & social care and hospitality. Participants will have the opportunity to complete intervention 3 first and then progress onto Intervention 4 in order to support their skills development and underpin their competence at work.
Intervention 5 – Pastoral Support.
Personal development through one to one and small groups will foster commitment to the project for participants experiencing difficulties or circumstances that may hinder progress. Key matters that the pastoral support function will address through advice surgeries include the disclosure of criminal convictions, strategies for managing work limiting health conditions and dealing with in-work debt/poverty.
Intervention 6 – Participant Forums.
These are participant-led forums that enable participants to share employment related experiences and assist one another through peer to peer support. There is one forum for each sector being targeted and they will take place monthly at an NLET site. Employers are not involved in the forums as they are platforms that act as help-groups where participants may openly discuss issues that affect their employment. Shared experiences will add value to participant’s learning experience and offer insight into how peers are coping with the demands of the workplace and the sharing of strategies that peers use to deal with work related matters.
Intervention 7 – Careers Hub.
The NLET careers hub will provide additional support to participants that is linked specifically to the labour market. For example, the Hub provides one to one support on assisting participants with matters such as understanding HR policies, contracts of employment and self-employment. It also holds information on further in-work support and vacancies that offer higher level employment progression within Health & Social Care, Hospitality and Retail.