Remote Education Offer: 2020-21

The impact of COVID-19 has resulted in NLET having to amend its approach to teaching and learning. NLET recognises the great importance of face-to-face delivery and has maintained a safe learning environment. However, it also acknowledges the limitations that current national circumstances impose upon this.


In order to provide transparency and clarity, the Department for Education (DfE) requires education providers to publish details of their remote education offer on their website, including information on:

    • What remote education will be made available for different learner cohorts (16-19, apprentices, adult learners)
    • Delivery arrangements, such as timetabling, virtual learning environments and assessment arrangements
    • Expectations of learners
    • Arrangements for learners studying courses that require specialist equipment or facilities
    • Support for learners without devices, connectivity or a suitable environment for learning
    • Support for learners with SEND


NLET currently offers remote learning to adult learners, apprentices and students as well as participants on the London Learning Project and JETS programme. All teaching, learning and assessment is offered in accordance with the guidance provided by the DfE, DWP, ESFA, Osted, Ofqual, GLA and the Awarding Organisations that we are working with. Guidance may be subject to change as per instructions from the UK government or the aforementioned organisations and will be updated regularly to ensure compliance.

Delivery Arrangements

Remore delivery at NLET encompasses full-time and part-time students, adult learners, apprenticeships and participants on the London Learning Project (LLP) and Job Entry Targeted Support (JETS) programmes. In all cases, it is expected that teaching and learning will continue as normal using online platforms such as VLE, Microsoft Teams or Google Meet, unless DfE guidance advises otherwise or national rules change. This will include whole class sessions and breakout rooms for small group discussions and tailored support sessions. Learners are able to access these platforms on the vast majority of electronic devices allowing them access to the information they need.

Where learning involves a practical component, which is not feasible to undertake because of current Covid 19 pandemic restrictions, this will be rescheduled for when restrictions ease, with a theoretical underpinning of the practical elements emphasised until face-to-face learning is able to resume. Where possible, NLET will prioritise this learning and adapt the delivery and sequencing of the course of study to ensure no one is disadvantaged.

Learners on the London Learning Project (LLP) will continue their learning through the VLE platform and attend the scheduled online sessions as arranged by the Tutors.

Participants on the DWP WLA Job Entry Targeted Support (JETS) programme will have access to their Employment Coaches by telephone and online platforms as scheduled.

Apprentices will continue to meet the 20% ‘off the job’ element by a range of flexible models already in place by their vocational area curriculum teams.

Timetables currently emphasise online delivery, where tutors and learners will work remotely in their own home. Online delivery is planned for day blocks to avoid travel. As restrictions ease NLET will be able to offer a blended approach where some learners work online whilst others are in class. This allows the college to maintain the government's COVID-19 social distancing requirements.

NLET takes safeguarding of delivery very seriously and ensures that it maintains a visible safeguarding presence throughout all sessions to ensure that both learners and staff are suitably protected.


Assessment is undertaken with reference to the published guidance by the relevant awarding organisations. Formative assessment will continue to be carried out online. Submission deadlines for summative assessment remain in place, however we acknowledge that the personal circumstances of some learners may make this difficult.

For Apprentices, all reviews are currently conducted remotely with employers and apprentices to ensure knowledge, skills and behaviours continue to be developed. Targets and actions will be set accordingly, and progress reviewed with performance monitored against planned expected end dates.

We encourage all learners to engage with NLET Student Services to ensure that every possible opportunity for learner achievement is provided.

Expectations of students

To ensure that progress is maintained, all learners are expected to regard online provision with the same level of attention and diligence that they would have for face-to-face provision. This means that we expect students to attend punctually, be prepared to contribute, appropriately dressed and respect staff and other participants. Learners are expected to access their lessons online where necessary and this is made clear to learners through their induction process. Learners are provided with information about how to keep safe online.

Attendance will be recorded as per NLET’s attendance policy. Registers are taken for all online learning sessions and failure to attend will result in an absence being recorded which will be followed up by their course tutor. Learners who are unable to attend due to illness or other issues will be supported through weekly one-to-one tutorial and should notify their course tutor and Student Services to ensure that they receive the necessary support.

Attendance will be recorded according to the funding and awarding body guidelines.  Registers are taken for all online learning and failure to attend will result in an absence mark being recorded which will be followed up by their course tutor. Learners who are unable to attend due to current national circumstances will be supported throughout the weekly sessions arranging a one-to-one tutorial and should notify their course tutor and welfare support to ensure that they receive the necessary support.

Support for Students Without Devices, Connectivity or a Suitable Environment for Learning

NLET will decide what support a learner needs based on individual assessment, in line with bursary fund rules that all support must be based on individual circumstances and needs. If an extended period of remote learning occurs, NLET will aim to provide devices to all students in need or to meet learners’ IT connectivity costs, where these costs are a barrier to accessing or continuing in their training. This also includes investigating and researching the range of external support in the public domain that has become available to learners as a result of the Covid pandemic.

Support for learners, including those with SEND

Student support and welfare is maintained throughout all remote learning sessions. The Student Services and Welfare Manager conducts regular check-ins and will facilitate breakout sessions for additional welfare and pastoral support, information advice and guidance. Other services can also include labour market and employability advice as well as signposting to VCS support services.

Specific guidance on e-safety is also available to all learners. The online learning content is developed in a manner consistent with supporting the learners’ specific learning needs. Where access remains an issue, the Student Services and Welfare Manager will work with the learner to determine alternative routes of access in line with the learner’s specific individual needs.

Students with SEND may have alternative methods of remote delivery dependent on need. NLET recognises that during the pandemic, SEND learners may be additionally vulnerable. Where applicable, EHCP reviews will continue through a remote process in agreement with the local authority, parent/carer and student.